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Second Call for Papers
Symposia, Workshops, and Posters
Southern Division, American Fisheries Society
Annual Meeting – February 2-5, 2023
The Virginia Chapter invites you to share science and management information and experience an in-person (no virtual option) meeting in beautiful waterside Norfolk, VA.
Call for papers: Submit abstracts electronically for 20-minute oral or poster presentations:
Click here to submit all abstracts
Deadline for submissions is a firm November 15th. Abstracts should be less than 250 words. Presenters should specify whether they want to be included in a planned symposium (Alabama Bass introgression, American Eel management, fish population genetics, climate change, crappie management, marine fisheries management, RAWA implementation, aquatic connectivity/barrier removal, and off-shore wind production).
Student participation:
Students should indicate whether they want to be considered for an award in the Best Student Oral Presentation (select on-line when submitting as a choice with symposia) or Poster evaluation. Talks and posters considered for an award must be completed projects, not study plans or progress reports. Abstracts must be submitted by November 15th, 2022. Students interested in being paired with a mentor for lunch on Saturday should mark the appropriate selection on the registration form; you may also send an email to Chas Gowan ([email protected]) Chair of the Student Affairs Committee, stating your interest.
More meeting information, including registration and schedule, may be found at the meeting website as content is created and/or updated: https://units.fisheries.org/va/annual_meeting/2023-sdafs/. Registration will be available soon, but you should submit your abstract and make your hotel reservation now (at the link above) to ensure you’re accommodated on site!